Fireworks: by Perry


Where do I start, uuummm perhaps the fact that I CAN’T STAND FIREWORKS!!!!! What is the purpose of them anyway? Actually I know TO ANNOY THE HECK OUT OF PEOPLE!!!!!! I mean seriously what kind of person enjoys them? But here’s what happened. I was doing my own thing, minding my own business, when suddenly my human leaves and all the others too. Next I hear a thundering sound and intense flashes of light. I curl into a ball wondering why Ginger isn’t freaking out! My tail tucks in between my legs as I quiver. This lasts what seems like forever, then it stops and Aislinn’s dad comes to get me! When I get outside I see cars lined up and a cluster of people in one little corner by the car so they can see the fireworks better. Everyone calls me brave and cuddles me but if they only saw how not brave I was being. I really hope I never have to do that again. But that was my first firework experience.

HAPPY 4th OF JULY!!!!!!!!!!

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